Social Media Strategy (Part 2)
To learn how to use social media as a Volunteer Manager to create online communities and spread awareness for our cause.
Lesson Resources – Social Media Strategy (Part 2)
Video Transcript – Social Media Strategy (Part 2)
Objective: To learn how to use social media as a Volunteer Manager to create online communities and spread awareness for our cause.
“Welcome to Part 2 of Social Media Strategy! In Part 1, we discussed how social media opens opportunities for individuals and organisations alike, helping them to connect with their communities, and to build brands.
In this section, you take the strategies you’ve learned and apply them to your mission. As a Volunteer Manager, you can be a part of the solution and make a difference in the lives of people in your community.
Instead of selling a product, you’re sharing a cause, with purpose, as a not-for-profit organisation aiming to transform our communities.
When working to share such a cause within our community, our primary goal is to spread awareness. To help individuals, they must know that the help is out there. Media is one of the most influential and powerful ways to accomplish this! It’s in spreading awareness that we can continue to gain funding, support, and resources to share with both you and our Community Members.
Remember: There are billions of social media users. With the right strategy, we can reach just a fraction of them and change so many lives for the better. One of the most authentic ways to do this is by having you share your experiences, passion, and knowledge on social media! As a Volunteer Manager, you are a part of our cause. You have real power and influence to bring this knowledge and resource to our community! If you are comfortable, we’d love you to document and share your passion for our cause on social media!
If you aren’t entirely sure how, don’t worry – we’ll break down simple yet powerful ways to do this in our next reading portion!
Before we get started, let’s define some basic principles and concepts that will help you on your journey.
First, what is an influencer? Influencers use their social media platforms to influence others, to share knowledge, and to advocate for their cause. Most people think influencers have to have thousands or millions of followers, but that’s not the case. The most successful influencers create and share original, authentic content with others, focused on driving a certain purpose or helping a certain audience.
Whether you’ve only just opened a social media account today, or you’ve had one for a while, we’d love for you to become a sort of ‘influencer’ for your organisation, sharing and spreading awareness for your cause.
We want you to think about what gets you most excited about our shared purpose. Reflect on what you’ve learned and what you’re ready to share. And if you’d like, use these social media strategies to share these powerful insights with the world to make a difference. We’ll get started in the reading portion of this Module. See you there!”
Lesson Resources
- Download PDF here: Social-Media-Strategy-2-Module-11
- Download WORD here: R-Social Media Strategy 2 - Module 11 (v6)
- Download VIDEO here: Module11