Cyber Security
To understand foundational online safety concepts, including current cybersecurity threats and basic security measures.
Lesson Resources –Cyber Security Handout
Video Transcript – Cyber Security
Objective: To understand foundational online safety concepts, including current cybersecurity threats and basic security measures.
“Volunteer Managers –– it’s time for a vital topic – cybersecurity. Think about your most valuable possessions. Consider what assets, documents, or information you keep protected and safe. Perhaps your wallet, bank account, and credit cards. Maybe your car, home, or job.
You likely take precautions to protect each asset: a locked safe for your documents or investments. A secure place to store your wallet and credit cards. A lock for your car and home.
It’s easy to think about physical security measures because we’re familiar with them. It’s common knowledge to lock or secure your valuables. But how can we take the same measures when we’re online?
Our bank accounts, credit cards, and savings can be accessed through the internet. We type in our names, home addresses, phone numbers, and other personal information when creating online accounts, whether for social media or shopping. We enter our credit card numbers and payment information to make an online purchase.
Our email, social media, and other online accounts are full of private, personal information that, if it got into the wrong hands, could cause immense damage and loss. How can we prevent this loss? By applying principles of cybersecurity: the practice of protecting our technological devices and online information from digital threats we are better able to protect online data, software, and hardware.
Cybercrimes are more prevalent and sophisticated than ever. This makes everyone more vulnerable, and many do not have the digital literacy needed to identify and protect themselves against these threats.
To apply a cybersecurity strategy, we must understand 3 main concepts:
- The current and emerging cybersecurity threats.
- How to detect cyber threats.
- The basic measures needed to protect your data and technology.
By understanding how cybercriminals commit these crimes, we can defend ourselves against them. Knowing how to detect them can prevent them from hurting ourselves or our careers. And by taking basic cybersecurity measures, we can take preventive actions to lower our exposure and risk to cyber threats.”
Lesson Resources
- Download PDF here: Cyber-Security-Module-14
- Download WORD here: Cyber Security - Module 14 (v6)
- Download VIDEO here: Module14